21 Growth Mindset Phrases to get you working immediately


Adopting a growth mindset is not easy, especially when you don't see the results of your hard work. But if you repeat these growth-mindset phrases to yourself,  you'll condition your mind to keep on working regardless of the outcome.

21 Growth Mindset Phrases

1) What skill should I practice next?

There's always something you need to get better at. So plan ahead and be strategic about it.

2) I'll need to get better at this.

Not being "good" at something is not a final sentence. It's a reminder that you need to work on it.

3) Look how far I've come! 

When you feel discouraged, just look back at when you started. Chances are you forgot how much progress you have made.

4) It's not about the outcome.

I know... It's counterintuitive. But when you focus on the result, you don't focus on what's in front of you.

5) I'm in love with the process. 

This goes hand in hand with the previous point. If you want to swim fast, you need to keep your head underwater.

6) I'm neither good nor bad.

Being good or bad is just a label, and it takes your mind away from what's in your control: practice.

7) I just haven't practiced enough.

When in doubt, practice some more. You'll never regret refining your skills.

8) The more I try, the better I get

Every time you practice, remind yourself that you are improving every day.

9) I focus on each step when I practice; I don't just go through the motions.

To get better, you must actively think about what you are doing. If you do it on autopilot, you only tap into a small portion of your power. 

10) Every skill I don't have is an opportunity

Stop thinking about what you don't know how to do and start thinking about how you can do it.

11) There's no gene for being a good _____

Skills are learned! Sure, if you're 7'1, you could have an advantage on a basketball court. But even then, if you don't practice, you'll lose to those that do—even those shorter than you.

12) The more I practice, the "luckier" I get

Luck is an illusion. Plenty of people get handed opportunities and still fail to succeed at them because they lack preparation.

13) I act with urgency, but I'm not in a rush 

You show up every day, and you're never late to practice. But you're not obsessing over the result 

14) It's all about incremental improvements

To piggyback off the last point. Just focus on beating yesterday's version of yourself.

15) Failure is not final

Stand up, dust yourself off, and get back on the horse. Can you imagine if you had quit trying the first time you fell when you were learning how to walk? You'd still be crawling! 

16) Success is available to everyone willing to put in the work

No one is stopping you from being the best version of yourself. You are the only problem you'll ever have. The good news is that you're also the only solution.

17) Practice makes progress

Don't fixate on some abstract standard you call perfection. Instead, seek daily incremental wins. Those will compound over time and get you the results you are looking for.

18) Focusing on the result takes me away from the present moment

You can only focus on one thing at a time. If you keep your attention locked in the future, you are not concentrating on what you are doing now. 

19) I will only get better from here

If you feel like something is hard, remind yourself that every time you practice, it will get a bit easier. 

20) I don't lack skills; I lack experience

When you reframe your situation from "I'm not good" to "I need to get better at it," you'll never feel like you're not good enough.

21) I practice with the intent of getting better

Deliberate practice is not just practice. Break down in smaller parts the skill you want to get good. Then get clear on what areas you need to improve and isolate them. 


This list should be enough to keep you going for a lifetime. But if you are serious about building a invincible mindset, I think you should come up with your mottos and affirmations. That way, when you are struggling, you can tap into your mind and find the strength and guidance you need.

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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