4 Creative Marketing Ideas for Law Firms to Try in 2023


As a lawyer, you’ve likely read many articles about how to promote your firm. But these creative marketing ideas below are seriously underutilized. I am a former marketing agency owner, and our focus was mainly on paid advertising. But over the past years, the competition got fiercer, and clicks on Google became so expensive that smaller (and even medium-sized) firms could not afford the “pay-to-play” game.

That’s why a few years ago, I used my low-cost remote-team building experience to create affordable organic marketing solutions for my clients, and that allowed me to help them thrive at a fraction of the cost of our old agency systems.

Let’s get into the details now!

Collect Email Addresses and Send Weekly Edutainment Newsletters

Email marketing is a powerful tool for law firms to engage with their audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. By collecting email addresses from your website visitors, social media followers, or event attendees, you can create a valuable list of potential clients who are interested in your services. However, it's not enough to simply collect email addresses – you need to provide value to your subscribers to keep them engaged over time.

One effective way to do this is by sending weekly edutainment newsletters. These newsletters should offer a mix of educational content and entertaining stories or anecdotes that your subscribers will find interesting and engaging. The goal is to position your law firm as a thought leader in your industry while also building a relationship with your subscribers.

For example, if your law firm specializes in immigration law, you could include educational content about recent changes in immigration policy or advice on how to navigate the immigration process. You could also include a story about a recent case you worked on, highlighting the challenges you faced and the successful outcome you achieved for your client. This personal touch can help humanize your law firm and make it more relatable to your subscribers.

Another example could be a family law firm that sends weekly newsletters with educational content about divorce, child custody, or alimony, as well as entertaining stories about successful marriages, co-parenting tips, or even funny anecdotes related to family law.

To make sure your newsletters are effective, it's essential to keep a few things in mind:

  • Offer value: Your newsletters should offer value to your subscribers. Provide informative content, actionable tips, and entertaining stories that your audience will enjoy.

  • Be consistent: Send your newsletters on a regular schedule (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.) so your subscribers know when to expect them.

  • Keep it short and sweet: Your newsletters should be easy to read and digest. Keep your content concise and focused on one or two key topics.

  • Include a clear call-to-action: Each newsletter should include a clear call-to-action that encourages your subscribers to take the next step, whether that's scheduling a consultation, following you on social media, or sharing the newsletter with a friend.

By collecting email addresses and sending weekly edutainment newsletters, your law firm can build a loyal following, increase brand awareness, and generate new leads over time.

Build Scarcity in Your Marketing Messages (Especially When Your Schedule is Actually Getting Booked Up)

One effective marketing strategy for law firms is to create a sense of scarcity in their messaging. Scarcity can create a sense of urgency and motivate potential clients to take action before it's too late. When done correctly, scarcity can also increase the perceived value of your services.

There are a few ways you can build scarcity into your marketing messages:

  1. Limited-time offers: Offer a discount or special promotion that is only available for a limited time. This can create a sense of urgency and encourage potential clients to act quickly.

2. Limited availability: Highlight the fact that your schedule is filling up quickly, and that there are only a few spots left for new clients. This can create a sense of urgency and motivate potential clients to schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

3. Emphasize the consequences of delay: Highlight the potential consequences of delaying legal action, whether it's missing a deadline, losing out on a settlement, or facing legal penalties. This can create a sense of urgency and motivate potential clients to take action immediately.

However, it's important to be truthful and transparent in your messaging. Don't create false scarcity by making offers that are always available or exaggerating the demand for your services. This can damage your credibility and harm your reputation in the long run.

For example, let's say you're a personal injury law firm that specializes in car accident cases. You could send an email to your subscribers with the subject line: "Last Chance to Schedule a Free Consultation Before Our Schedule is Full!" In the email, you could emphasize that your schedule is filling up quickly, and that there are only a few spots left for new clients. You could also highlight the potential consequences of delaying legal action, such as missing out on a settlement or facing legal penalties.

Another example could be a business law firm that specializes in contract disputes. You could create a landing page on your website with a limited-time offer for a free contract review. On the landing page, you could emphasize that the offer is only available for a limited time, and that there are only a few spots left. You could also highlight the potential consequences of delaying legal action, such as losing out on a business opportunity or facing legal disputes.

By building scarcity into your marketing messages, your law firm can create a sense of urgency, show that your firm’s services are in demand, and motivate potential clients to take action. Just make sure to be truthful and transparent in your messaging, and only create scarcity when it's actually warranted (i.e., when your schedule is actually getting booked up).

Apply to Be a Guest Writer for Legal Matters on Other Email Lists, Blogs, or Local Magazines

Guest blogging is a great way to increase your exposure and establish yourself as an authority in your field. By contributing high-quality content to other email lists, blogs, or local magazines, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential clients.

When looking for opportunities to guest blog, look for websites and publications that have an audience that overlaps with your target demographic. For example, if your law firm specializes in family law, you may want to look for parenting blogs or local family magazines.

Here are a few examples of how law firms can apply this marketing idea:

  • A law firm specializing in immigration law could reach out to blogs or websites that cater to immigrants and offer to write a guest post on the latest updates in immigration law.

  • A criminal defense attorney could approach local magazines and offer to write an article on how to protect your rights during a police investigation.

  • A personal injury law firm could pitch a guest post to a blog that focuses on health and wellness, providing information on how to prevent common accidents and injuries.

When pitching your guest blogging services, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Research the publication: Before pitching your ideas, take the time to familiarize yourself with the website or publication you're interested in. Read their guidelines for guest bloggers, study their style and tone, and get a sense of the topics they cover.

2. Pitch a specific topic: Instead of sending a generic pitch, come up with a specific topic that would be a good fit for the publication. Make sure your topic is relevant to their audience and provides value to their readers.

3. Showcase your expertise: Highlight your experience and expertise in your pitch. This can include your education, professional background, and relevant case studies.

4. Provide a brief bio: Include a brief bio and headshot in your pitch. This can help establish your credibility and make it easier for readers to connect with you.

By guest blogging on other websites and publications, you can increase your exposure, establish yourself as an authority in your field, and attract potential clients. Just make sure to do your research, pitch specific topics, and showcase your expertise in your pitch.

Help Those in Need in Your Local Community with Simple Legal Matters and Document It on Social Media

Law firms have a reputation for being expensive and out of reach for many people. However, by providing pro bono services or volunteering your time for simple legal matters, you can help those in need in your local community and build a positive reputation for your law firm.

Here are a few examples of how law firms can apply this marketing idea:

  • A law firm could host a legal clinic or offer a free legal advice hotline for members of their local community. By providing these services, you can help people who may not have access to legal services and build goodwill for your law firm.

  • Another option is to offer a free legal document review service. Many people have legal documents, such as leases or contracts, that they may not fully understand. By offering to review these documents for free, you can help people avoid potential legal issues and build trust with potential clients.

  • Finally, consider partnering with local non-profits or community organizations to provide legal services to those in need. For example, a law firm could provide legal services to a local homeless shelter or women's shelter.

Once you've provided your services, document your efforts on social media. This can include posting photos or videos of your team in action or sharing testimonials from those you've helped. By sharing your pro bono work on social media, you can build goodwill for your law firm and show that you're committed to serving your local community.

When documenting your pro bono work on social media, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Obtain consent: Make sure to obtain consent from those you're helping before sharing their story or photo on social media.

  2. Be respectful: When sharing your pro bono work on social media, be respectful and considerate of those you're helping. Avoid using sensational language or exploiting their situation for likes or shares.

3. Highlight the positive impact: Focus on the positive impact your pro bono work is having on your local community. Share stories of how your legal services have helped people and improved their lives.

By providing pro bono services or volunteering your time for simple legal matters, you can help those in need in your local community and build a positive reputation for your law firm. Just make sure to document your efforts on social media in a respectful and considerate way.


In a nutshell,  if you want great results without breaking the bank, you must look for those underutilized opportunities that your competition is either not willing to pursue or that are not aware of yet. The ones above are a mix of both. You can get started on your own without sacrificing too much time from your busy days, but as soon as your are comfortable with delegating some of these tasks, you can contact us and we can show you how to automate the majority of the work.

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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