Growing Your Business Congruently with Alan Lazaros

Alan is the CEO, Founder & Co-Host of Next Level University, a Global Top 100 Podcast with more than 950 episodes and 500,000+ listens in over 125 countries.

With the powerful combination of his B.S. in Computer Engineering & MBA, Alan is a Professional Speaker & Business Coach / Consultant specializing in helping businesses maximize their growth, impact & profitability online.

He believes in a heart-driven but NO BS approach to inspiring, motivating & educating others on what it REALLY takes to get to the next level.

At age 2, his father passed away in a car accident... At age 26, getting into a nearly fatal car accident himself, he questioned everything.

It made him question who he is & the choices he was making.

Filled with regret, he searched for answers and found two of the brightest lights he had ever seen.

The first was a book by Bronnie Ware called “The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying”, and the second was a Ted Talk by Tony Robbins.

Both helped him find his way & decide to go ALL IN on self-improvement to design a life of meaning & purpose.

Now it's Alan's mission to help others maximize their potential & design lives & businesses they love on their own terms.

This is what we talked about during our conversation.

  1. Alan’s background. How it all started for him.

  2. Alan talks about his current business.

  3. Alan shares some tips about how you can scale a business remotely.

  4. Alan talks about the importance of building systems in your business.

  5. What are Alan’s plans for the future?

You can find Alan on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also check out his website.

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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