How to Win Even When You Lose with Brian J. Esposito

Brian J. Esposito, CEO & Founder of Esposito Intellectual Enterprises.

EIE ultimately became a holding company for over 20 years of work, business startups, and investments. Focuses stem from manufacturing, distribution, retail, hospitality and hotel development, restaurants, commercial real estate, liquor, technology, media, energy, oil & gas, TELCOM, aviation, space, maritime, music, TV & Film, education, beauty, medical technology, security, hemp, and fashion. Brian brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to any team with his drive, ethics, and passion of connecting executives around the globe.

This is what we talked about during our conversation.

  1. Brian background. How it all started for him.

  2. He shares his incredible 22-year journey from a teenage entrepreneur to building an expansive holding company.

  3. Brian talks about his expertise in starting, acquiring, and merging businesses, offering invaluable insights into enhancing profitability and creating sustainable value.

  4. He discuss the crucial role of remote work in managing global holdings effectively and get a sneak peek into Brian's exciting future projects.

  5. He talks about his business plans for the future.

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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