Attorney referrals | How lawyers get referral business


As a consultant and former owner of a successful digital marketing agency, I can tell you that advertising works… but there is a time and a place for it. In fact, one of the biggest challenges I faced when I first launched my agency was dealing with new businesses that expected to grow their brand overnight solely with Google or Facebook ads.

Paid advertising, cold outreach, PR, and SEO are all valuable tools, but they are not the only tools available. So if you are looking to future-proof your firm against rising ad costs, competition, and a yo-yo economy, then you must add referrals to your marketing mix.

Although they are not as scalable as paid ads and SEO, referrals are one of the most effective and efficient ways to get ongoing cases. They come to you with a higher level of trust and confidence, and they tend to be more profitable clients. In this free report, we'll show you how to tap into the power of referrals and build a stronger, more profitable law practice.

From building relationships with other professionals to hosting events, we'll cover a range of strategies for generating more referrals. Plus, I’ll provide practical tips and examples to help you put these strategies into action.

1.Leverage your current clients 

One of the most effective ways to get more referrals is to ask your current clients for them. When a client is happy with the service you provided, ask them if they know anyone who could benefit from your services. You can also send a follow-up email or letter thanking them for their business and asking them to refer you to their friends and family.

Ask for referrals directly

When you've successfully helped a client with their legal matter, it's a great time to ask for referrals. Be upfront and ask if they know anyone who could benefit from your services. You can also ask for a review or testimonial that you can use in your marketing materials.

Make it easy for clients to refer

Provide your clients with the tools they need to refer you. For example, you could create referral cards that they can hand out to friends and family or include a referral link in your email signature or on your website.

Keep in touch

Staying in touch with your clients after their case has been resolved can help keep you top of mind when they have friends or family who need legal help. You can send periodic newsletters or email updates to keep them informed of changes in the law or your practice.

Provide exceptional service

The best way to get referrals is to provide exceptional service to your clients. When clients feel that you've gone above and beyond for them, they're more likely to recommend you to others.

Show your appreciation 

When a client refers someone to your firm, be sure to thank them. You could send a handwritten note, a small gift, or simply give them a call to express your gratitude. Showing your appreciation can encourage them to refer you again in the future.

2.Build relationships with other professionals

Another way to get more referrals is to build relationships with other professionals who may come into contact with potential clients. For example, you could network with financial advisors, real estate agents, and accountants who may have clients in need of legal services.

Identify potential referral sources

Think about the types of professionals who may come into contact with potential clients. This could include not only people in other professions but also other attorneys who may not practice in your specific area of law.

Attend networking events

Look for networking events where you can meet other professionals in your community. This could include events hosted by local chambers of commerce, industry associations, or professional groups.

Offer to speak at events

Offer to speak at events or seminars hosted by other professionals in your network. This can help you build credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Provide value

When you meet other professionals, look for ways to provide value to them. This could include offering to provide a free legal consultation to one of their clients, or sharing helpful resources or information related to your area of practice.

Follow up

After you've met someone at a networking event or spoken at an event, be sure to follow up with them. Send them a thank-you note or email, and look for ways to stay in touch over time. This can help you build a strong relationship and make it more likely that they'll refer clients to you in the future.

3.Offer incentives for referrals

You could also offer incentives for clients who refer others to your firm. Incentives can come in many different forms, so let’s look at how you can structure a referral incentive program from scratch.

Determine the right incentive

Think about what kind of incentive would be most appealing to your clients. It could be a discount on their next bill, a gift card to a local restaurant or store, or something else entirely.

Communicate the incentive

Make sure your clients know about the incentive program and how it works. This could include including information about the program on your website, in your email signature, or in your marketing materials.

Follow up with referrals

When someone is referred to your firm, be sure to follow up with them promptly. This can help you convert more referrals into clients and build a strong reputation for providing excellent service.

Track your results

Keep track of how many referrals you receive and where they're coming from. This can help you identify which incentives work best and adjust as needed.

4.Focus on your niche

By focusing on a specific area of law, you can become known as an expert in that area and attract more referrals from other lawyers and professionals in your field.

Build your brand around your niche

Once you've identified your niche, focus on building your brand around it. This could include creating content that speaks directly to the needs of clients in your niche, attending events and conferences that are relevant to your niche, and partnering with other professionals who work in your niche.

Network with other professionals in your field

By building relationships with other lawyers and professionals in your niche, you can increase your visibility and reputation within the community. Consider joining professional organizations, attending industry events, and connecting with other professionals on social media.

Leverage your expertise

As you become known as an expert in your niche, look for opportunities to share your knowledge and expertise with others. This could include speaking at industry events, writing articles or blog posts, or providing commentary to media outlets on issues related to your niche.

5.Host events

Hosting events such as seminars or networking events can help you build relationships with potential clients and other professionals. By providing value and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field, you increase the likelihood that attendees will refer others to your firm.

Choose a relevant topic

Choose a topic that is relevant to your area of expertise, and that will provide value to attendees. For example, if you specialize in personal injury law, you could host a seminar on "What to do after a car accident" or "Understanding your rights as a victim of medical malpractice."

Partner with other professionals 

Partner with other professionals in your industry to co-host the event. This can help you reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. If you are audience is not yet big, you can still leverage your partner’s audience size. Just make sure to offer value to your partner in any other way (free consultations, or referral kickbacks, for example)

Market the event

Use a variety of marketing channels to promote your event, including social media, email marketing, and local publications. Make sure to clearly communicate the value that attendees will receive by attending your event.

Provide value

Make sure your event provides value to attendees. This could include providing free resources, answering questions, or offering one-on-one consultations. Don’t be afraid to share too much information. Most people love knowledge because it gives them clarity, but they will never act on it alone. In fact, when it’s time for them to take action, they will likely call you.

Follow up

After the event, make sure to follow up with attendees and thank them for attending. This can help you build relationships and increase the likelihood of receiving referrals in the future. Don’t forget! People are busy, and even though they may have loved your event, they will soon forget about it if you don’t stay top of mind.


Getting referrals is not complicated, but it requires you to take a series of steps over and over again on an ongoing basis. As you learned from the report, it’s all about doing great work, following up, and incentivizing your network to refer clients to you. 

Over the years, I have come across some clients that complained about this system not being effective. But upon scrutinizing their systems, I predictably found some leaks in their process. They either didn’t keep in touch with their network, they didn’t create effective incentives, or they simply never went above and beyond to “wow” their clients.

When someone refers a client to you, they are not only doing you a favor, but they are also putting their own reputation on the line. So be sure to give exceptional customer service to everyone you work with, and always end each business exchange with these three magic questions

  1. Are you satisfied with the service that I provided you?

  2. Is there anything I can do to make this experience even better?

Given that we are offering a **enter referral bonus**, would you recommend our services to your personal and professional network?

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    Deniero Bartolini

    Deniero Bartolini is a digital entrepreneur, author, and coach. He regularly runs seminars on online marketing, remote team management, and productivity for government-funded organizations and countless small to medium size businesses.


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